Solusi pendinginan lampu LED-60MM seri gob gedhe / cilik
  • Solusi pendinginan lampu LED-60MM seri gob gedhe / cilik Solusi pendinginan lampu LED-60MM seri gob gedhe / cilik

Solusi pendinginan lampu LED-60MM seri gob gedhe / cilik

With the rising demand of environmental protection and energy saving in various countries, LED lighting has long life, power saving, environmental protection and other characteristics, and the key problems need to be solved become the mainstream industry of the market However, in the LED high Ming power development, how to effectively heat, become LED lighting urgent In the LED light parts, the power supply parts are easy to cause early damage due to the local temperature,Generally, when the ambient temperature of electronic components, such as electrolytic capacitor, increases by 10℃, the life will be reduced by half, and conversely, if reduced by 10℃, the life will be doubled. Shenzhen LFKZ LED lighting cooling solution-60MMseries big/small gob combined with the flow channel design can guide the air flow to the power supply parts, to reduce the temperature of the internal parts, improve the service life of LED lights.

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Deskripsi Produk

Kanthi panjaluk perlindungan lingkungan lan hemat energi ing macem-macem negara, lampu LED duwe umur dawa, irit daya, perlindungan lingkungan lan karakteristik liyane, lan masalah utama kudu dirampungake dadi industri utama pasar.

Nanging, ing pembangunan daya Ming dhuwur LED, carane èfèktif panas, dadi lampu LED urgent Ing bagean lampu LED, bagean sumber daya gampang kanggo nimbulaké karusakan awal amarga suhu lokal,Umum, nalika suhu lingkungan komponen elektronik. , kayata kapasitor elektrolitik, mundhak 10 ℃, urip bakal suda setengah, lan kosok balene, yen suda dening 10 ℃, urip bakal tikel kaping pindho.

Solusi pendinginan lampu LED Shenzhen LFKZ-60MMseri gedhe / cilik gob digabungake karo desain saluran aliran bisa nuntun aliran udara menyang bagean sumber daya, kanggo nyuda suhu bagian internal, nambah umur layanan lampu LED.

Ukuran: 60*60*15 MM

1. Nyegah geni 94V-0, ROHS2.0 Bahan lingkungan

1. Wiwiti maneh otomatis opsional, proteksi kontak mburi, FG, RD, fungsi PWM

Properti produk:

Impedansi isolasi: DC500V Maug meter pengukuran, 10MQ以上

Isolasi lan resistensi tekanan: AC500V 1 menit

Kelas isolasi: Kelas B

Toleransi saka kisaran suhu lingkungan:

Kerja  :-10 ℃ ~ + 70 ℃ (bantalan hidrolik) -20 ℃ ~ + 80 ℃ (bantalan werni)

suhu normal:-20 ° ℃ ~ + 75 ° ℃ (bantalan hidrolik)

Bahan produk:

Epitheca: Plastik PBT (ireng) UL94V-0

hipoteka: PBT plastik (ireng) UL94V-0

Impeller: PBT plastik (ireng) UL94V-0

Bantalan: bantalan bola, bantalan tekanan hidrolik-40 ℃ ~ + 85 ° C (bal)

Kawat: UL1061 AWG26 abang: + ireng


50000 jam (bantalan bola)

30000 jam (bantalan tekanan hidrolik)

2. 94V-0 pangayoman geni, ROHS 2.0 materi pangayoman lingkungan

2. Wiwiti maneh otomatis opsional, proteksi kontak mbalikke, fungsi FG, RD, PWM

3. Tingkat insulasi: KelasB


Purifier, LED lan industri liyane

voltase dirating Range voltase Kacepetan rotasi Arus listrik daya Volume udara Tekanan angin rame kurva bobot
VDC VDC RPM A W CFM M3/jam   mmH₂O nchH₂O dBA werna g
24 12~26.4 6000 0.20 4.80 7.00 11.89   31.62 1.25 51.7 ireng

5000 0.12 2.88 6.20 10.53   23.21 0.91 44.3 abang
4000 0.05 1.20 4.52 7.68   13.16 0.52 37.5 ijo
3000 0.03 0.72 3.28 5.57 5.06 0.20 30.2 biru
12 6~14 6000 0.35 4.20 7.00 11.89 31.62 1.25 51.7 ireng
5000 0.25 3.00 6.20 10.53 23.21 0.91 44.3 abang
4000 0.12 1.44 4.52 7.68 13.16 0.52 37.5 ijo
3000 0.06 0.72 3.28 5.57 5.06 0.20 30.2 biru

Hot Tags: Solusi pendinginan lampu LED-60MMseri gob gedhe / cilik, China, Produsen, Pemasok, Pabrik, Grosir, Disesuaikan, Ing Simpenan, CE, Kualitas, Awet, Berkelas
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